Jason Haufe

Born in 1974 in Melbourne Australia, Jason Haufe has been committed to abstraction and his professional arts practice for over twenty years. Since graduating with his Honors Degree in Fine Art at Monash University in 1995 Haufe has delivered over twenty solo exhibitions and has explored Abstraction through painting, collages, sculpture and printmaking. From 1996 – 2010 Haufe explored various spatial and pictorial ideas within the limited means of geometric abstraction.
Haufe has been shortlisted for the National Drawing Dobell Prize at NSW Art Gallery (Sydney, Australia) in 2009, 2008 and 2005. He has also been shortlisted for the Rick Amor Drawing Prize at The Ballarat Regional Art Gallery. Haufe has been recognised for his rigorous draughtsmanship by Academic and Historian Christopher Heathcote in his essay ‘Journeys into Drawing’ in the Macmillion Art Publication ‘Contemporary Australian Drawing #1’. Sydney Morning Herald Art Critic Michael Fitzgerald recognised Haufe’s ability to create dynamic compositions ‘there is a satisfyingly cerebral play between soft and hard shapes in these abstract works by the Melbourne-based Jason Haufe, who is inspired as much by Howard Arkley as Piet Mondrian in his elegant interlocking grids of tense, spray-painted colour.” Jason Haufe’s comprehensive body of work explores many aspects of geometric Abstraction and its links to Cubism.
Jason Haufe has been selected for major art prizes in Australia such as Fletcher Jones Art Prize (Geelong Art Gallery; 2008 ) , Blake Prize (S.H. Ervin Gallery; 2001), Fleming Muntz Albury Art Prize (Albury Regional Art Gallery; 2005). Haufe has exhibited in Australia and Europe, at Stephen McLaughlan Gallery (Melbourne), Factory 49 (Sydney and Paris), Westspace (Melbourne) and various other artist-run spaces. In 2016, Haufe was selected for the Berliner Liste art fair and completed two residencies in Berlin. He has been collected by Art Bank, Chisholm Institute and Monash University and various private collections.
More recently Haufe has been exploring the process of feedback loops to generate new directions in his collages.